Live Sport and TV-shows for best friends
Get access to all your favorite channels and share with family and friends ! With more than 40.000 streams between TV channels and VOD, the world is open to you. Let’s join the MiraSat Family ! offers different subscription plans depending on your need. Pick the plan that suits you the most.
Bronze IPTV Plan
1 month subscription
- 40.000+ Streams
- Catch-Up Service
- Express delivery
- 24/24 & 7/7
€ 9.99 | 1 Month
Silver IPTV Plan
3 months subscription
- 40.000+ Streams
- Catch-Up Service
- Express delivery
- 24/24 & 7/7
€ 25 | 3 Months
Gold IPTV Plan
6 months subscription
- 40.000+ Streams
- Catch-Up Service
- Express delivery
- 24/24 & 7/7
€ 40 | 6 Months
Platinum IPTV Plan
12 months subscription
- 40.000+ Streams
- Catch-Up Service
- Express delivery
- 24/24 & 7/7
€ 60 | 12 Months
Compatible with all Devices
Get your 24H trial
only for 0.99 €
Do you want to judge the reliability of MiraSat IPTV server by yourself ? Take a 24H trial and enjoy watching your favorite channels.24H trial includes all the features you will find in your actual subscription.
Here is a list of featured movies and series will find on your subscription. The VOD portfolio is updated constantly with the last releases.